
IoT based Measurement Systems

Introduction It is rare for someone in the engineering or science fields not to have heard of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT has been disrupting many industries by providing an unprecedented approach for a (potentially large) number of distributed components connected over a network to collect data, collaborate, and perform tasks with almost no human intervention. Spending in IoT is forecasted to reach $1 trillion by 2022 and is considered to be one of the core enabling technologies behind the fourth industrial revolution.  But what is IoT really?  Its definition is still evolving. Meanwhile, IEEE defines an IoT system as “a system of entities (including cyber-physical devices, information resources, and people) that exchange information and interact with the physical world by sensing, processing information, and actuating”. Furthermore, the “Thing” in IoT can be defined as “an IoT component or IoT system that has functions, properties and ways of information exchange”. The...